The Girls’ Adventure Club is a program for girls Kindergarten through middle school. We welcome any girls or women who would like to come and have fun with us, whatever your age!
We love to see mothers and daughters, teens, women without children and empty nesters all enjoying time together. We believe that not only are such friendships a great blessing to those in them, they can also provide inspiring models of Christian women living out their faith in a variety of roles (for example as a lawyers, scientists, photographers and more.
In our urban setting where fewer and fewer people know their neighbors, Girls’ Adventure Club provides a place for community.
We regularly memorize Bible verses together in fun and original ways so that we can grow spiritually together. Girls’ Adventure Club is also a great place for girls who don’t know Jesus to come and find out more.
We do lots of different things together and always include at least one of these elements:
Scripture memorization
Outdoor activities including service opportunities.
Our activities so far have included, caroling & hot chocolate in the streets around our new church in Shaw, a trip to an art museum, the Great Girls’ Bake Off, hikes, a craft day, snow tubing and the Trailadega car race with Trail Life boys.
Girls’ Adventure Club meets three Tuesdays a month 7-8pm at Takoma Park Seventh-Day Adventist Church, 6951 Carroll Avenue, Takoma Park, MD 20912. We also meet one Saturday a month for hikes, museum visits, and other adventures.
To join, volunteer, or learn more, please email
All adult volunteers and participants receive criminal background checks by Advent undergo robust child safety and youth protection training provided by Church of the Advent. Learn more about safety and youth protection here.