Every member of our church plays a vital role in the well-being of the community. To learn more about our ministry teams, please read the descriptions below. Ready to get involved? Click this button to fill out an interest form.

Sunday Service Opportunities

Welcome TEAM

Our Welcome Team serves the Advent community by being an inviting presence as people come to worship - particularly for newcomers. They are available and look out for the needs of the congregation - especially newcomers - before, during, and after the service. Our Welcome Team also helps with events such as post-church receptions, potlucks, and other events.  


Each week, children’s ministry workers serve in a variety of ways to provide a safe and welcoming space for the smallest members of our congregation. Children’s ministry volunteers must be CPP certified. To learn more about our family ministries and service opportunities, please click here.


Our production team is in charge of helping run the sound equipment for each week’s service. Those who serve on this team not only ensure that music sounds great and slides are available for everyone to follow along, they also run our livestream for those worshipping with us from home.


Readers support the ministry of Advent through the reading of the scripture lessons. Scripture is meant to be read aloud and heard by the congregation as it was originally experienced in the early church. The Prayers of the People is designed to be a time of corporate prayer where the leader represents the church body in prayer. Those who serve on this team must be covenant members of Church of the Advent.

worship team

Musicians play a key role in accompanying our weekly worship. Our musicians work to foster an environment of joyful and reverent congregational singing.


The Counting Team counts the attendance and the offering each service and members’ meetings. Those who serve on this team must be vetted by the pastoral team and be covenant members of Church of the Advent.


The Altar Guild is responsible for preparing the Lord’s table and serving as chalice bearers for the celebration of Holy Communion. Those who serve on this team must be covenant members of Church of the Advent.


The Eucharistic Prayer Ministers play a vital role in the service, praying with anyone having need during Communion. The Eucharistic Prayer Minister’s role is to facilitate an encounter with Christ through prayer. Members of this team must be covenant members of Church of the Advent and must be approved by the pastoral team.


The Safety Team serves by ensuring the safety and security of our congregation during the service.

Other Service Opportunities

Refugee Support Ministry

Our Refugee Support Ministry seeks to welcome and care for refugee families in our area by helping find and furnish living spaces, collecting clothing, buying groceries and developing friendships.

Healing Prayer ministry

Healing Prayer is an extended time of prayer offered by appointment. Healing Prayer Ministers are covenant members of Church of the Advent or ordained clergy, must be approved by the pastoral team, and have been trained or are currently in training and shadowing a trained prayer minister.

men’s ministry

Advent men's ministry aims to strengthen the relationships between the men of our church through opportunities for service and fellowship, including an annual retreat.

women’s ministry

The women’s ministry of Advent strives to create space for the women of Advent to have fellowship, prayer, learning and more. Read more about the Women’s Ministry here.


The Young Adults ministry creates opportunities for people to connect and experience fellowship, including lunches after church and other social events.

youth group

Middle and high schoolers meet twice a month on Sunday evenings for dinner, Bible study, and prayer, as well as occasional events and service projects throughout the year.

Missions committee

The Missions Committee meets regularly to pray for and discuss how we as a church can bring Christ’s kingdom to every corner of the earth.

trail life

Trail Life is a Christ-centered, boy-focused nationwide character development organization that helps young men grow to honor God, lead with integrity, serve others, and experience outdoor adventure. Advent currently hosts Trail Life Troop DC-1, and serves boys in grades K-8.


The Girls' Adventure Club at Advent is a homegrown program to develop stronger friendships, community, and spiritual growth among girls at Advent. Tuesday evening meetings and monthly Saturday adventures are best suited for girls in Kindergarten through middle school (and any women in the church who want to join a fun time with other women and girls!).