In the season of Advent, we recognize that like the people of Israel, we are a people in wait. Examining Luke’s account of Mary and Elizabeth, it’s clear how God can bring rejoicing, even in the ache of waiting.
Advent: The King's Highway | Luke 3:1-6
Repentance isn’t about feeling ashamed of our actions, it’s about building the “king’s highway” — remembering that if we want true renewal, we need Jesus.
Advent | Luke 21:25-36
As we begin the season of Advent, we wait not just for the birth of Jesus, but for his return to Earth as the conquering King. How do we “stay awake,” as He tells us to do in Luke’s Gospel, and wait well?
Grace and the Law | Galatians 3:15-29
Are the law and grace fundamentally opposed? Continuing in our study of Galatians, we see how the law serves to expose and reveal sin, but is not opposed to grace — on the contrary.
Curse and Promise | Galatians 3:6-14
The Gift of the Spirit | Galatians 3:1-6
The church in Galatia experienced miracles, and yet still they lost sight of the Gospel — how can we be aware of our blindspots and be continually aware of our need for the presence and help of the Holy Spirit?
Gospel Identity | Galatians 2:15-21
What does it mean that Christ is in us, and we are in Christ? Continuing in our study of Paul’s letter to the Galatians, we see how the Gospel fundamentally changes our hearts and offers us power and assurance.
The Essence of the Gospel | Galatians 2:11-21
Paul writes of his godly confrontation with Peter over false teachers in the church. How do we remain a community that’s rooted in the truth of the Gospel?
One Gospel, One Family | Galatians 1:18-2:10
Greatness and Goodness to Every Generation | Psalm 145
Matt Wilcoxen from Church of the Resurrection preaches on Psalm 145, and how this song of David teaches us to worship God.
Galatians: No Man's Gospel | Galatians 1:9-17
If we want the true Gospel to actually change our hearts we have to be willing to go to the core of our identity and see ourselves through the lens of the Gospel.
Galatians: The One True Gospel | Galatians 1:1-9
Parish Retreat Session 2: Formed For Image and Identity in Community
We’re formed by God to image Him and to be His image-bearers in community - we are made not simply to be individuals but are hard-wired by God to commune with others. When we’re lacking diversity in redeemed communities we’re missing facets of what it means to be the image of God.
Parish Retreat Session 1: Formed For Identity in Christ
Rev. Dr. Irwyn Ince teaches the first session of our Parish Retreat, showing the call is to root our sense of who we are primarily in Him as image-bearers who have immeasurable dignity, value and worth.
The Most Important Thing About You | 1 John 3:1-3
What is the most important thing for people to know about you? Kevin Antlitz preaches on how God thinks of us as a beloved son or daughter, and how we perceive He thinks about us.
Parish Retreat: Gratitude is the Attitude | Colossians 3:15-17
Rev. Dr. Irwyn Ince preaches at the final day of our 2018 retreat, on what it takes to live in beautiful community together, and how we grow in thankfulness in God for the community we’re a part of.
Humility | Romans 12:3-13
Rector Tommy Hinson preaches on humility: how our assessment of ourselves needs to change, and how we can use the Gospel as the true yardstick for the measure of our self-worth.
The Greatest Enemy of Freedom is Freedom | Exodus 7:1-7
Social critic and author Dr. Os Guinness speaks on how we can embrace the Biblical idea of freedom and liberty in today’s time of crisis.
To Be or Not to Be | Matthew 5
Pastor and hip-hop artist Devin Turner preaches on righteousness: it's not just doing things the Bible says I should do, but having the attitude of my heart being like Christ in what I pursue.
Wisdom and Salt | Colossians 4:2-6
How do we share the gospel with others? Dan Beilman shows the importance of vulnerability, listening and testimony in how we talk about our Father.